I have, in recent months, developed an unhealthy relationship with HGTV. It started out innocently enough when my sister called me one night to tell me that the episode of House Hunters she was watching was taking place in my…
Tag: House stuff
The War on Ugly
This week is teacher development week at C’s daycare so the whole family is taking a break for the week. The need for a break has been evident as the two adults inthe family have been taking almost as many…
Wordless Wednesdays: Painting
So, I have this house and I want to make it look better. What’s better than color, right? So, when I found a treasure trove of painting supplies left by the last owner, I hit the paint store and picked…
How Do I DIY?
So, we bought a house, you see. It’s really cute. Lots of space, a yard with a garden, even a shed in the backyard. I really like it. But I don’t know what to do with it. Like the paint. …
Wordless Wednesday – Alice’s Garden
We recently bought our house from a lovely lady named Alice. Alice is a talented gardener and has left us with a garden that give us a lot of pleasure as new flowers bloom every day. But I don’t know…
Need a laugh?
This: Was the sum total in the way of instructions for assembling this: P.S. Please vote for me at TopMommyBlogs by clicking the button on the left had side of my blog. A high ranking for me means good things…