It’s December and much of America is cold. The days are short and nights are long. The holiday decorations are at their peak and the cheer is relentless, as is the sales pitch but money is so tight for so many. The news says the jobless rate, the national debt, and tenuous living situations are going up. The war is not ending. People are losing their homes. The news is so bad, so often.
Here in DC we’re haunted by a recent senseless killing of a toddler by her grandmother. The circumstances are too horrific for me to describe. You can read about it here. I feel like I’m falling whenever I hear the details rehashed.
This sad story stands as stark reminder to all of us: be gentle to those you love. Be kind. Take that extra moment to think before speaking, listen better and longer, and take care.
People are hurting in these trouble times of ours. Watch those you love carefully and offer them a hand if they seem to need it, or even if they don’t. Don’t let someone’s pain, someone’s fear, someone’s mental anguish or illness go unanswered. Don’t stand back and let them suffer alone. It’s better to offend someone by asking if they need you than to stay silent and let quiet suffering grow into something dangerous.
Be gentle with everyone around you. Take care of others. Be kind. Be gentle.

A good message that we all need. The story of that toddler is particularly awful. Thanks for the perspective.