Twilight: The Saga Begins

But it only begins on my Facebook page – my first Twilight book report was posted tonight.  Thanks to everyone who helped me get to 50 Facebook fans, I am reading Twilight and chronicling the experience over at Facebook.  If I can get to 100 Facebook fans by the end of March, I will write reports for the whole series, not just the first book.  So, if you like torturing bloggers and reading the results, spread the word, recruit more fans,  and I’ll keep the Twilight book reports coming!

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2 comments for “Twilight: The Saga Begins

  1. March 14, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    You are very committed to doing this, so it won't feel like work. If you love something and are passionate about it – just do it.

  2. March 14, 2010 at 9:35 pm

    Good luck.

    I liked the series, don't understand the hoopla. 🙂

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