It has been said that Republicans have a problem with women. They don’t seem to understand us and keep doing things like trying to define “legitimate rape” or keep our lifeless bodies breathing against our stated wishes so we can…
Category: WTF
This Week In WTF: Mail Tampering as Lactivism
There’s a great column in the New York Times called The Ethicist by Chuck Klosterman. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s written by a professor of ethics and people write in with knotty problem. Usually, it’s really interesting. This…
This Week In WTF: SE Cupp’s Adoption Commentary As Emotional Blackmail
I was watching The Cycle on MSNBC today. I don’t usually do that because their habit of using a 5 way split screen makes me want to kick the tv. The final segment of the show is always commentary by…
This Week In WTF: Women Shouldn’t Work Because of Conservative Science
Note: I apologize in advance for the lack of sourcing on some facts here. I’m very, very tired and operating Google seems like hard work. Instead, I shall engage in what is probably just partisan outrage. This week, the Pew…
The Week in WTF: Bang, Bang, You’re Nuts
So. There are two sides to the gun control debate (she stated, as if that point wasn’t so completely obvious that she risks losing readers by saying it). On the one side, we have states like Connecticut, New York and…
This Week in WTF: Congressman Joe The Plumber?
Since I’ve stopped working on Congressional relations, I’ve lost track of the minutia that used to occupy many of my waking thoughts. For example, I didn’t realize the new Ohio Congressional map pitted Democrats Marcy Kaptur and Dennis Kucinich against…
This week in WTF: Honest Rape?
Let’s talk about Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the Kucinich of the right. He is a strange, elfin little man who says many things that are out of the mainstream of political discourse. Occasionally, he stumbles upon an essential truth…
This Week in WTF: Oops
I would like to thank the GOP for this post because they were like the gift that keeps on giving this week. Let us begin with the wacky antics of the current raft of Presidential nominee contenders. They’re funnier than…
This Week in WTF: Register This
I’m back! I’m done with my vacations, summer slothfulness and general slackitude and I’m ready to start lampooning the world around me again. And just in time, too, since the crazy is starting to crawl back out of the woodwork.…