Category: Serious Stuff

V-Day 2012

Happy V-Day! No, not Valentine’s Day. V-Day. V-Day is a global movement to end violence against women and girls. It was started in 1998 by writer and activist Eve Ensler, V-Day events involve performances of The Vagina Monologues, A Memory,…

Help The Women

There’s… I read… I don’t know… Women are in trouble. Topeka, KS is enmeshed in a budget fight about the cost of prosecuting domestic violence. The House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow hospitals to turn away women…

On Marriage

When Arnold Schwartzenegger and Maria Shriver announced that they were separating after 25 years of marriage, my mother commented that Maria was probably unclenching her teeth for the first time in 25 years. Arnold, based on the rumors of philandering…

Skin Deep

By now most everyone has heard about the mother who went on tv to defend injecting Botox into her 8-year-old pageant competitor daughter’s face. I wasn’t even sure I was going to write about this because what could I possibly…

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