Category: My Soapbox

When A Good Guy With A Gun Goes Bad

I read this article about a guy at a kids’ softball game in Oklahoma who apparently completely lost his shit and pulled a gun on the coach and waved it around with kids nearby. He was mad that his granddaughter…

Open Letter to Dan Snyder and the NFL

Dear Mr. Snyder, Commissioner Goodell, and the other NFL Team Owners, Hi. How are you? I know things pretty much suck for you guys from a PR perspective these days, what with so many players hitting women and children and fans…

It Only Takes A Minute

I only had about 30 minutes and, judging from the traffic building on my return route as I drove to Allison’s house, I was cutting it close even giving that much time. I considered turning back. But then I thought…

You Have To Be Carefully Taught

You’ve got to be taughtTo hate and fear,You’ve got to be taughtFrom year to year,It’s got to be drummedIn your dear little earYou’ve got to be carefully taught.You’ve got to be taught to be afraidOf people whose eyes are oddly…

A Gun Safety Advocate’s (Imaginary) Conversation With Gun Rights Supporters

So. Gun rights proponents. Are you psyched about your new spokesperson? Curtis Reeves is a hell of a guy. Retired cop, licensed to carry a concealed firearm, shot a guy in a movie theatre for texting during the previews. Killed…

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