Yes, I just quoted Vanilla Ice. Don’t mock. Because he’s right. Here’s the deal. I don’t want to be writing this post. I want to be writing a post wherein I complain about prolonged elevator outages on Metro and the…
Tag: Serious stuff
I didn’t marry young. As a result I saw some of the world and kept company with an assortment of people in my younger days. There were a lot of laughs then and some tears. As anyone who loved before…
He Had A Dream
47 years ago today, a great man said great things. Here they are and thank you Dr. King. *** “I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom…
This Is What A Feminist Looks Like
The other night there was an interesting conversation in the Twitter-mom-o-verse about feminism and the phenomenon of women beating each other’s brains out about the choice to breastfeed or bottle feed. The conversation quickly devolved into jokes about all the…
I Thee Wed
So. I have thoughts. Big ones. Loud ones. Messy ones. This week a lot of those thoughts are about marriage. First, came my little shock about Al and Tipper Gore divorcing. That was like, whoa. If those two crazy kids…
Hail Fellow Well Met
I’ve been thinking a lot about the complex roles women play in one another’s lives recently. Blogging has catapulted me into an intricate web of relationships with other bloggers, Facebookers, and Tweeters out there, most of them women. They are…
Mama Kat’s Workshop: Pap PSA
Thursday already? That means it’s time for Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop! 2.) What was your medicine? Write about a time you remember being ill. (inspired by I’ve never really been seriously ill, knock wood. But last year, I escaped…
Teach Your Children Well
to enter the Modern Bird Studios custom art giveaway! *** I can’t stop thinking about the post at No Points For Style on bullying. It’s one of the most affecting things I’ve read in a long, long time. Please read…
Update on hating cancer: Cancer, watch your ass!
Thanks to everyone who said such lovely things in regards to my friend and her daughter’s cancer diagnosis. The good news is that she won’t need to go through chemo, at least not right away. K. and her boyfriend P.…