Tag: DC Area

Maryland, My Maryland

Betcha didn’t know that’s the name of the song they play at the Preakness! And that the tune is “O Tannebaum”! See! This blog can be educational. Also? I’ve been to all three races of the Triple Crown and Kentucky…

My Favorite DC Things

to enter the Modern Bird Studios custom art giveaway! *** Recently, a couple of people have asked me for recommendations of fun stuff to do on a DC trip.  That made me happy because they didn’t qualify the query with…

Weekend Adventures

This weekend wasn’t particularly adventurous.  There was a lot of running to and fro but within the ordinary there were some highs and lows. Being the generous soul that I am, I am going to share some highlights and lowlights…

Weekend Adventures: The National Aquarium

“Oooooo!” you’re thinking.  “The National Aquarium!  I’ve heard of that!  It’s supposed to be fabulous, all nestled in the Inner Harbor in Baltimore near restaurants and shops and Camden Yards and it has dolphin shows and…” Yeah.  No.  We didn’t…

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