Tag: Book Reviews

Eclipse: MY Saga Goes On

Excerpt from the Diary of Kelly Taylor: Brandon Proposed.  Dylan bought me a trip around the world.  Decisions, decisions… *** Remember on Beverly Hills 90210 (the original one not the next generation one) when Kelly had Brandon and Dylan competing…

New Moon: MY Saga Continues

Excerpt from the Diary of Edward Cullen: Going on a road trip.  Hope Bella doesn’t mind. *** Excerpt from the Diary of Bella Swan: Edward is GONE!!!!!! iwillneverloveagaiiinnnnnnn *** Well.  I think we all remember all too well how hurt…

Twilight: MY Saga

Some of you participated in the awesome endeavor of getting me up to 50 fans on my Facebook page. a few weeks ago  The end result of that was a warm fuzzy feeling in the cockles of my soul…and I…

Twilight: The Saga Begins

But it only begins on my Facebook page – my first Twilight book report was posted tonight.  Thanks to everyone who helped me get to 50 Facebook fans, I am reading Twilight and chronicling the experience over at Facebook.  If…

Twilight is coming…

The light is growing dim.  And vampires are about. Or they will be if I get just ONE more fan on my Facebook page. I promised to read Twilight if I get to 50 Facebook fans by the end of…

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