Anatomy of a Snow Day

7:30: Whole family awakes and eats cereal together.  Cozy!8:04: Listening to NPR, Mommy begins to expound on American jingoism and xenophobia as it relates to terrorist treatment under the legal system. C. interrupts by yelling “Mommy!” sharply because he needs…


The snow is falling outside.  Falling, and falling, and falling.  The snow is supposed to keep falling until late tomorrow.  Reports are we’re going to get up to three feet of snow.  Three.  Feet. When will the roads be cleared? …

Homesteading on the Metro

I understand that real estate on metro during the morning rush is valuable.  Seats are like renovated row-houses with updated kitchens and ornamental fire-places: coveted by many but allocated to only a lucky few.  Upright in the middle of the…

Twinkle, twinkle

If I were a jewel thief – a career that no guidance counselor ever suggested for me – I would target book clubs.  I went to my book club last night, where all but two of us cheerfully admitted that…

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