The charming governors of Texas and Ohio are indulging in an orgy of “no abortionz! fetuses for everyone!’ this week. It’s…it’s just…. I’m flapping my hands and covering my face because there aren’t words. I mean, there are but writing…
Category: The Broad Side
New At The Broad Side: Pope Francis on Religious Tolerance
New At The Broad Side: One Mother’s Repsonse To The NRA’s National School Shield Proposal
The NRA released their “MOAR GUNS FR EVVERBODY!” plan related to their ideas about school safety yesterday. I think most of it sucks. (Shocker, right?). I’m sounding off about the whole awful thing at The Broad Side today: Children are…
New At The Broad Side: Want to Boost Declining U.S. Birth Rates? It’ll Take More Than a Tax Cut.
Yet another man is wringing his hands and hollering “MOAR BEBEHS!!! MOAR!!!”. Refreshingly, it isn’t in the context of anti-choice and forced-birth-after-rape policies. No, this time it’s a New York Times columnist lamenting the dramatic declines in the US birth…
New At The Broad Side: Explain The Election To Me Like I’m A Child
I have a new post up at The Broad Side talking about the task of explaining the election to my son: Now that we’re deep into election season, my little boy has been forced to endure many of the same…
At The Broad Side: Is A Rape “Legitimate”? A Modest Proposal On How To Tell.
I know we all feel bludgeoned by the rape talk this week after Todd Akin got stupid on tv and then the GOP platform committee approved an abortion plank supporting a Constitutional amendment banning all abortion, no exceptions. Which, by…
Shocker: Women Know What They’re Doing
Remember a few months ago when I lost my shit over all the hoops legislators all over the country were making women jump through in order to get an abortion? And I went off on a major rant about the…
At The Borad Side: Losing The War For Reproductive Rights
I’m over at The Broad Side this week with an oldie but goodie. I dusted off a post I wrote a year ao about the inevitability of losing the war for women’s reproductive rights: The anti-abortion movement instead operates on…
At The Broad Side: The Sexuality Wars: Women Are Under Attack, But What About Men?
I’m over at The Broad Side releasing yet more of my anger over the current wave of legislation impacting women. At this point, everything about contraception and abortion sounds less like thoughtful concern and more like ways of punishing people…