Category: My Soapbox

The Morning After

Hi. How ya doing? Feeling ok this morning? Not too tired after staying up until all hours watching the election returns? Maybe you didn’t stay up all night watching returns. That was smart. Staying up all night watching election coverage…

To Do List: Vote

Hi! I’m back! Really back, not like last week where I wasn’t really back but I was blogging anyway because my head was bursting at the seams from all the input the world was forcing upon me. I’m gonna be…


OK, I know I’m in the middle of a break from blogging but my goddamn head is about to explode here and I can’t not write today. Here’s the deal. I came out a while ago as a commie pinko…


I’m coming out. Not as gay. Though I would come out if I was gay. No, I’m coming out as liberal. Yup. Liberal. Tree-huggin’ hippie liberal. Socially liberal. Fiscally liberal. Tax and spend liberal. Liberal, liberal, liberal. Tolerant liberal. But…

This Is What A Feminist Looks Like

The other night there was an interesting conversation in the Twitter-mom-o-verse about feminism and the phenomenon of women beating each other’s brains out about the choice to breastfeed or bottle feed. The conversation quickly devolved into jokes about all the…

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