New At Babble: Hiring A Babysitter Made Me A Better Mom

07I’m trying to be be more professional about blogging these days. I’m also trying to be less overwhelmed by life. My husband had a suggestion recently that will help with both of those things and I’m talking about it at Babble:

The babysitter was my husband’s idea. I was losing my mind while he was away on a business trip and the result was a flurry of angry text messages to him at 5:30am. The gist of it was, my baby had refused to leave my side for the entire duration of his trip. I’d been in the presence of one or both of my kids for 15 hours per day and my patience was coming to its end. (Before anyone jumps down my throat about not being tolerant enough of my children, ask yourself if there’s anyone you would like to be in the same room with for 15 unbroken hours. I bet the list is pretty short. I bet it gets shorter if you have to do it for 5 days in a row and that person can’t control their own bowels. Just saying.) During the spate of angry texts, my husband told me I should hire a sitter to give me a break. I recoiled from the idea initially. For one thing, it seemed like an unjustified expense. For another, I don’t want to be that mom. The stay at home mom with a nanny.

Then I remembered something. I’m not just a stay at home mom. I’m a professional blogger. I have goals and deadlines every week and I get cash in exchange for my work. When I worked full time at an office, I had professional child care. Why is it wrong to hire a sitter to watch the kids while I do this kind of work, even if I’m doing it in my house?

Read the whole post over at Babble!

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