I got a little snippy on Teh Twittah last night after being told to slow down and appreciate my kids at a moment when I wanted a short break from my kids. The ranting continues on Babble tonight:
I think all of us mothers of babies and young kids know viscerally that we’re in a unique phase of life. There are a finite number of days when our children will look at us with wide eyes and tuck their little hands into ours as they take their first steps through life. This is a singular moment. It is breathtaking. Not a day goes by that I don’t experience at least one blast of unspeakable joy that I get to share this time with these two amazing little people who are somehow, miraculously, my own children. I appreciate my children in a way that can’t be fully explained except in a knowing nod from another parent.
I don’t reach out during those moments, though, because I don’t need support to get through them.
There’s a lot more to it than that so hop on over to Babble and catch the rest!