New Columns: Have a nice (holi)day

I have a new So Here’s The Thing column up at the Washington Times Communities site! This week I’m waxing profound (snort) about how I haven’t heard ANY kind of holiday greeting so far this year. I’m afraid the Politically Correct war of the Holiday Greetings may be over and the greetings lost.

Since then, I’ve been part of Team Happy Holidays when tossing about pleasantries unless I have direct personal knowledge of what holiday the person I’m talking to will be celebrating. It’s inclusive, it’s friendly, it’s a nice way to end a conversation or retail transaction. At least in my simple little mind it is. Other people disagree and insist on more specific holiday references. Or no holiday references. Or all holiday references. Somehow, some way, it seems that phrases that used to be common pleasantries are now political statements.

Which might explain why I haven’t heard any of them yet this season.

Check out the whole thing at the Washington Times Communities!

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2 comments for “New Columns: Have a nice (holi)day

  1. anthrogrrl
    December 15, 2011 at 12:28 am

    I would be so honored if I helped inspire this post!

  2. December 15, 2011 at 10:56 am

    Felt something similar last night at my daughter’s Chorus Concert. A lovely job they did, still I was waxing nostalgic over the good old days when a school chorus could sing holiday songs without fear of offense. Millions are starving in this world yet people still choose to twist their panties over proper, politically correct holiday greetings, and make sure that everyone goes down with their sinking ship of righteousness. Shame.

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