People I Love

The best part of blogging is other bloggers. No doubt about it. The other women, and a few men, I’ve met since I started writing online have made my life richer, more interesting, and a whole lot funnier.

Lydia and Kate at Rants from Mommyland are two of my heroes. They are hilarious. Daily. But not just hilarious. They are also smart, down-to-earth, wise, tolerant, giving, vulnerable, compassionate and strong. Every day. These are the kind of women you want to be best friends with so that you can meet them at the playground or Target or at a divey bar populated entirely by Hell’s Angels because you know it will end with everyone doubled up with laughter and your faith in motherhood, apple pie, and the essential goodness of people will be restored. Also, you might get to hear Kate call you a smelly pirate hooker and that? Is priceless.

I have the good fortune of having met Kate and Lydia in real life and I can tell you that they’re not fronting on their blog. They’re really like that. They’re part of my little blogging posse and I look forward to emails from them, along with emails from stark.raving.mad mommy, Pregnant Chicken, and Law Momma with the same kind of avidity that I wait for deliveries from Sephora. These women are my peeps, my creative cheerleading squad and the reason I’m brave enough to keep writing and to take risks.

Right now Kate and Lydia are finalists for Best Blog for 2010 at the Bump. I’m going to vote for them like a Chicago mob boss – early and often. If you’ve ever gotten a laugh from these two brilliant beauties, do me a favor and give ’em a click. They’re sooooo great and it would be nice to see them formally recognized for it.

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4 comments for “People I Love

  1. November 17, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    I’m with you: voting early and often. From my laptop, from my phone, from the library …

  2. November 18, 2010 at 10:26 am

    Yes, to rants from mommyland.

    They are so incredibly talented, I don’t know how they don’t sweep every single “best of” there is out there.

    they are beyond the best.

    So, that’s why I follow you now. You know what I know.

  3. November 19, 2010 at 10:39 pm


    I don’t know how I missed this post but I feel all sorts of honored to be listed with those ladies. I love you more than my luggage and also? Yes. Kate and Lydia, Lydia and Kate. Can’t wait to meet you all in person!!!

  4. החלקת סברה
    September 14, 2012 at 6:22 am

    רשת מעצבי השיער של ארי שומר מבצעת מזה זמן רב החלקה יפנית תוך התחייבות ל-100% הצלחה ותוך עדכון תדיר של החידושים והטכנולוגיות האחרונים בתחום החלקה יפנית ו החלקה ברזילאית . החלקת שיער יפנית / החלקה ברזילאית מתבצעת ע"י ארי שומר ואלכס (מנהל קניון "הבאר") בלבד, ללא הפרעת עובדים או לקוחות אחרים, תוך אבחון מדויק ומיומן של סוג השיער והטיפול המומלץ לו.

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