Oh hai! I’m fiddling around with a few ideas to make this blog be a paying venture. I may try and solicit some ads pretty soon but I’ll keep them away from my content because if you wanted to read ads, you’d flip through the first 57 pages of a fashion magazine in search of the table of contents. (Grrr.). For now, I’ve done a couple of things. First, you can now subscribe to my blog on your Kindle if you’re so inclined. Second, I have a new page here called Stuff I’m Into that shows…stuff I’m into. You can find links directly to Amazon.com for books I like. And the books I review. And some of the things C likes to play with. I’ll be adding to it over time so keep checking. If you buy things from that page, I’ll get a little somethin’-somethin’ which is nice for me. And you get something that is either Mom-in-a-Million approved or (in the case of some of the books I review here) Mom-in-a-Million snarked.