I’m at Rants From MommyLand Today!

Way back in April, Kate and Lydia from Rants from MommyLand invited me over to swill boxed wine in Kate’s driveway. Hilarity ensued and I walked away from the experience feeling like a drunker better blogger for it. Now, to be honest, they never invited me back but I guess I can’t blame them because I poured t-box chardonnay on Kate’s grass and that stuff is more lethal to vegetation than frat boy pee on trashcan punch night.

So imagine my delight when Lydia, instead of taking out a restraining order on me, invited me to guest post on their blog! ::happy dance:: AND! And she let me pick my own topic. A topic that ensures that she is on her way to get that restraining order right now: poop. Yes, I wrote about poop and Kate and Lydia published it and you should all go read about it so they don’t regret letting me post. Also, read everything they ever wrote because you. will. love. them.


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3 comments for “I’m at Rants From MommyLand Today!

  1. July 7, 2010 at 10:19 am

    You rocked your guest post!!! Honestly. It’s hysterical!

  2. July 7, 2010 at 11:10 am

    We will invite you back the next time there is *any* MommyLand After Dark activity. Honestly, I don’t think we’ve done anything since then. I seriously don’t get out much. Haven’t even seen Eclipse yet. IN ANY CASE…

    Thank you so much again for writing for us – you are amazing! The poopy post is hilarious.

    xo, Kate and Lydia

  3. Eve
    July 7, 2010 at 8:29 pm

    And thank you mommyland for leading me to another great blog that I can amuse myself with whilst nursing my new babe for hours and hours each day!

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