I’m at Taming Insanity today!

Taming Insanity

The fabulous KLZ at Taming Insanity asked me to guest post so shoo!  Head on over there to read about what I used to wear in high school.  And check out her posts, especially the ones about how she used to torture her dad. Because that?  Is comic genius in blog form.

Meanwhile, I’ll be spending today at the National Zoo with C.’s daycare class.  Look for my musings on field trips, the terrain of the National Zoo (hint: it’s hilly) and my old, dusty memories of the pandas that lived there during the 1980s on Monday.

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3 comments for “I’m at Taming Insanity today!

  1. KLZ
    May 21, 2010 at 10:47 am

    Welcome to the Ginka House of Madness!

    Have fun at the zoo.

  2. Lo
    May 21, 2010 at 7:22 pm

    Loved your post at KLZ. I just hope cool does not involve large portions of boxer shorts exposed when my boys are in HS!

  3. May 22, 2010 at 7:27 pm

    Loved it! It’s hard to picture you like that (as if I know you or something . . . lol). I’ve never commented before, but love your blog!

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